Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lies Lies Lies

Have you ever had a friend that lies so much it hurts? I have too many friends that lie too much.  Tell me your broke, tell me you don't get girls, just tell me the Truth!!! You lie to Bi#$hes not your boys. When your life is going good your boys tend to have a sense of lying on the pu&%y all the time. I know my girl is Bad but that does not give you the right to lie on the P&%Sy all the time!!!! Just keep it real w. me and tell me the truth!I have a friend that lies to me about what his life was like in the past and I know all is BS, but if I know your lying and you know your lying why do we need to talk about it. All I'm saying is be true to yourself before you go out trying to make people see something that your not!!!!

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